Saturday, March 10, 2007

little bunny Foojo

From libbylineen.
Hey yo so check it out right! There's this bunny named Foojo right rawr! He's all out one day happin' through the jungle and junk all rawr RAWR in the jungle see. And then like, every TIME he meets a mouse or something, he's all picking it up and wailing on his little braincan right, just wham-wham-wham, and laughing about it like a goon. And he's doing it like ALL THE TIME like doinit and doinit and doinit and doinit, right, just NOT letting up right, MAD crazy all kicking these mouse BUTTS all over the jungle. Then yo check it, the fairy godmother comes all floating down with sparkledust and mushrooms hahahaha and she's like BUNNY FOOJO WHAT THE HELL and swinging her wand like a fiend right. And rockin bunny Foojo's like RAWR I DONT CARE GET OFF MY LAWN SPARKLEBUG. She's like K WHATEVER GOON. And she's gone and he's RIGHT BACK AT IT. All laying out mad TERROR on the jungle. Then one day she comes BACK on him right, all BUNNY FOOJO WHAT THE HELL AGAIN, YA FREAKIN GOON. Bunny Foojo's like SCRAM YO. And it all happens over again see. Back at it, and she comes back AGAIN and I think it's like a Saturday and her day off, so she's BLOWN a gasket on punkrockin Foojo, man. WHAT THE FREAKIN FRACK FOOJO I'M SICK OF THIS YOU MAKE ME RAGE. Foojo punkbunny's like VVVVP!! WHAT DO I CARE NOT MY PROBLEMZ. And she winds up on him with her cane and frickity BANG man turns him forills into a goon. hahahaha I love that freakin story man. Foojo, man. RAWR.

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