Sunday, March 11, 2007

alien invader

From xswishox.
I must admit that for the first time, I feel pity. Pity that I must destroy you. It is not jealousy nor is it covetousness; it is simply a shame that you must do as you do and that I must do as I do, and that THAT is the natural way of things. It's all I've ever known, really, it's how I've always been, and will no doubt continue to be, for, as I do take pause, I will not be hindered. You admire me. You do. You bathe me in warm light and photograph me in flattering poses, and that touches me deeply. And while you are not the first to have done these things, it is, for whatever reason, now, that I feel as I feel. Pity. Ahwell, enough rabblerabble; you have marinated for the prescribed time and you are sufficiently tender. In the name of Xxax Greenskin The Persistently Supple, I feast.

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