Friday, June 15, 2007

Taste test.

From domokun!.
I've replaced my own dinner with Folgers Decaffinated; LET'S SEE IF I NOTICE!#@$ Oh wait! That's only coffee!! I've replaced my dinner with entirely new entrees and sides!! NOW let's see if I notice! OH! Is this chicken? EXQUISITE. The aroma. The color YOU KNOW WE EAT WITH OUR EYES FIRST! And I am no exception HECKNO! Mmmboy I cannot WAIT to dig myself a spoonful of this mighty grub! Lookout stomach, my mouth is prepared to what it does second best which is eating because first best is talking and I'm doing that right now but I'm about to be done and on to number two which is eating, SO I SAY TO YOU AGAIN PREPARE YOURSELF!

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