Wednesday, June 13, 2007

selfish data mining

Hey Fluckrers!
I'm really curious if I have a readership. I THINK I have a readership of exactly four (including myself), but who really knows?

Do me a big favor, if you would, hit me with a comment, let me know you're there, let me know if you like the Fluckrs, don't like the Fluckrs, whatever.

thanks from the me to the you.


cmykdorothy said...

Are you kidding me? I check my RSS reader every five minutes to see if there are new fluckrs.

*Raises hand for head count*

micala said...

big fan of the fluckr.

Anonymous said...

I want you more than I want an iPhone!

(well not really....but as soon as you are smooth and shiny!)

Reginald Golding said...

SWEEET! 3 constitutes an audience. Now if Google would buy me out, I can retire. *kickback poseball*

Reginald Golding said...

haha, dan, and much like the iphone, you can turn me on with the slide of a finger.... no wait, how do i cancel this..