Sunday, August 26, 2007


From proto001.
It's the curve, man. THAT's where God is. Satan's in the straights. See, it's the freakin yin and yang like the Chinese always said. It's the endless balance that can't be named. You work the curve and the curve talks to you and then you learn to listen. But you gotta see you gotta hear you gotta TASTE the damn difference because on an angle a curve and a straight all look the shittin SAME! see! If you don't pay it that kind of attention, you're gonna be making eggs and bacon one day and sonofashit, you'll wake up to find you've been feeding the devil and now he's stronger than he was when you had your chance, but NOW what can ya do! That's why I'm workin the curve, gotta sand it smooth and keep it clean. ...hey where you going? I got news for ya, you need to hear it... FINE WELL DONT SLAM THE TENT FLAP ON YER WAY OUT. I'M FEEDING YOU GEMS IN HERE BUT ALL YOU WANNA EAT IS DIRT OFF THE STREET... SO ENJOY DINNER YOU WASTE OF TIME, I HOPE YOU WAKE UP SOME DAY SOON AND FINE YOUR CIGARETTE LIGHTER FULL OF MUSTARD!!@#!$#@!!

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