"Hey, Hershchel?"
"Yeah, Tony."
"I'm having what you might call.. ..trepidations."
"You mean, like a trembling sort of feeling?"
"No, that's not exactly it, really."
"Hmm well what do you mean, exactly?"
"Second thoughts."
"Yeah, this whole plan."
"So you're telling me, you're not on board with the plan here."
"That's correct. I, am not, on 'board', as you put it."
"We talked about this, Tony."
"I know, I know we did, and I know I assured you I'd be 100% fine with it."
"Yeah, Tony, that's exactly how I remember you responding when the idea was put on the table."
"Yep. And you're right, you totally are. BUT. The more I think about it, the less I think this 'Wu Tang - Killah Beez: The Musical' approach is really the ideal direction we want to take our community theatre... ...at this juncture."
"I should have mentioned this earlier, huh."
"Yeah, you really should have."
"Maybe we can just take the honey and run."
"No, Tony, no, we can't _justtakethehoneyandrun_."
"Just.. just.. GAH. Okay, Nigel, rotate."
"Righto, chap!"

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